Carpenter Ant Home or Cottage Protection Plan; (Spring and Fall) includes Your Initial Service Treatment and a follow up Exterior Treatment in the Fall.
This protection plan gives home and cottagers 100% protection against Carpenter Ant invaders for 1 Year. A one-year written warranty is given when the contract is signed.
Initial Treatment
Greenshield’s Initial Carpenter ant treatment consists of a 3-Step Service completed on the same service day.
1st Step, The Colony site inspection and injection. The technician will request information from residents to determine areas of activity. He/she will inspect these areas to locate colonies by Following foragers back to the nest from a determined food source if possible. Inspect these areas for wood shavings, insect fragments or areas of the home that have been damaged or weakened by water. Focusing attention towards, windowsills, doorframes, damp locations, behind baseboards, fireplaces, basements, attics, and rigid insulation. In some cases, using a sound-detecting device, for ants chewing in suspected areas. Once the colonies have been located the technician will excuse the home owner from the home and commence the services. He/she will inject a dust into these colonies using a small hole drilled in an unnoticeable location near the site.
2nd Step, The Baseboard, Crack and Crevice Treatment. A clear odorless pesticide will be applied to the baseboard, crack and crevice to all areas of concern within your interior using a fine nozzle sprayer. This pesticide will leave no distinguishable residue or markings.
3rd Step, The Exterior Treatment. A perimeter barrier treatment will be applied to the foundation base of your home and entry areas.
Follow Up Treatment
Follow Up Exterior Treatment. A perimeter barrier treatment will be applied to the foundation base of your home and entry areas. This treatment warranties the customer against all Carpenter Ant invaders. If at any time within the service year you discover Carpenter ants on the exterior or interior of your home, you just need to call and Greenshield will be there to protect you 100% guaranteed.
This warranty can be extended indefinitely by the home or cottage owner by renewing their services each new service year for subsequent Spring and Fall exterior Carpenter Ant Applications. Automatic renewal notice will be sent to all Home Service Customers annually.