Our expert rodent technicians begin the process by gathering essential information from homeowners or residents. We begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of both the interior and exterior of your home or cottage. This thorough service typically takes up to an hour, as we prioritize understanding the specific requirements of your unique rodent situation. Rest assured that our experts will leave no stone unturned in identifying and addressing any rodent-related issues that you may be facing.
Gathering information, we then gather essential information from you. This enables our technicians to focus on key areas and address your specific experiences and needs. Your input plays a crucial role in ensuring targeted and effective rodent control solutions for your property.
Your interior assessment, during this step, our skilled technician will require access to key areas such as your basement, kitchen, and possibly the attic, where you have noticed rodent sightings, heard noises, or discovered droppings and damage. These critical areas will be thoroughly examined to determine the extent of the infestation and identify the specific type of rodent involved. Our rodent control technicians carefully investigate nesting sites, rodent runways (commonly found in wall voids, ceiling voids, plumbing runs, and ventilation systems), assess the level of damage, and note the quantity and location of droppings. This crucial information plays a vital role in devising a strategic plan for the effective removal of unwanted rodents from your home or cottage.
Your exterior assessment, Following the completion of the interior assessment, our rodent control technicians will proceed to conduct an extensive examination of the exterior of your home or cottage. During this phase, their focus will be on identifying the primary points of entry that rodents are utilizing to access your property. Additionally, they will also identify any secondary or tertiary potential entry points that rodents could exploit if the primary ones are sealed or compromised. It’s important to note that rodents can enter through openings larger than the diameter of a dime and are known to employ climbing and inventive methods to gain access to higher areas, despite typically entering closer to the foundation.
Upon concluding the assessment, our rodent control experts will conduct a walk-through with you, highlighting any areas of concern that you should be aware of. Drawing upon their experience, training, and the information gathered during the assessment, they will create a strategic plan to effectively eliminate the rodents from your home. This plan may include exclusion measures such as sealing, proofing, or replacement of vent covers, ensuring that no new rodents will be able to gain access to your property. Rest assured that our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution that addresses both the removal of existing rodents and the prevention of future infestations.